Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snapshot of the NOW!

I fast forward from the past to here and now - the difference is inexplicable. Lovelorn and love-lost I stood and there you came by... you smiled at me and you took all of my troubles for your own. You were superperson-sans-spandex! :)

We are nothing but mirrors refelecting each other... the images are infinite and similar and yet so clear. We merge and emerge - triumphant, naked and redeemed. Redeemed of our past mistakes, past expectations and past torrents of pure, unadulterated lack of living... As I see my life today, I know that I am in the lead. I have always challenged life to beat me but today we hold hands and gaze at US together. I feel. Now I know why I was and why I am!

You are the shade I never had for fear of the Sun, you are the shadow I never had for fear of the light, you are the friend I never had for fear of confession, you are so much more than I can imagine or explicate because explanations require lucidity of thought, of comprehension and of acceptance. I have none of these to give. I am not even sure of what is within. But whatever it is, elusive and beautiful it sure is… and I shall forever cherish this snapshot of my present as it is sublime in its purity, it is untouched in my memories and it is virginal because it is in silo in my soul….

Thank you.....

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