Monday, December 8, 2008

Maybe I am not lazy after all...

I tell you I am lazy and then here I am again. Within a few minutes, here I am again blogging. That’s because I am not entirely sure if I have not shared my blogs with anybody because I am lazy. I think it’s the basic fear of documentation. That must be it… I have an unnatural phobia when it comes to putting down things on paper. Ironic... considering that I am a LAWYER :) But emotional stuff is reserved just for the people who are meant to read them. So like I said I just indulge in lovely written conversations when the mood to write strikes me.

So then, why do I feel the need to blog now? I am not sure abt that either. All I know is that I feel this unbeatable need to write, to keep my fingers busy, if you will.. There are millions of thoughts randomly running around in my mind and I need to give them some form, some shape. They must be released and therefore here they are…

Maybe I will share this blog with a few friends… Maybe I will add a few to my list. I don’t know how I am going to go about the formalities of bloggin because I suck at formalities… and paperwork ;) but this is it.. I hope I see this through and that I am able to blog whenever I feel the need to write or talk and no one is around.

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