Tuesday, December 9, 2008

love and demons

I have come to a point in my life where I must leave people, circumstances, ashes and myself behind me. I am literally quite tired of whatever it is that I have made - my life, my demons. They must after all be our creations, if they are in our minds and heads.
So, I'm abandoning most of my demons, my emotional crutches, the guys who got me through all my emotional screw-ups cos they took on the blame for my (in)actions and my imaginative getaways which helped me get thro life. I need to start over again. A new person. Simply because I'm tired or, even worse, lazy or here is a scary thought - maybe Im in love with life again - in love with my today. Ever been stretched so bad that you thought you'd snap? Ever hated or loved anything about you so much that you needed to stop, step outta your life and disappear? Well, I've decided to quieten all the (in)sane voices in my head for once and do the craziest thing anybody could possibly do if they were a combination of my mind and mindlessness. I've decided to brush off from my system the idea that some things/situations are necessary for my happiness and install in its place the idea that most of these things are, at best, desirable. I'm quitting my old demons and so far I'm at peace - which does not mean much but is a good sign considering that I have abandoned them only five minutes ago. I will be with him and all will be well with my world.

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