Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Talk is highly overrated. What you dont know cant hurt you. So then why do people feel compelled to talk? To let the world know their angst and the grime stuck on their soul. I say write. As long as nobody knows who you are, write on. This is the world of the dark. Where nobody knows you or cares even. Its the place where you can bare your dirt, spill out the filth and re-emerge into life feeling cleaner and purer.

I like my anonymity. I like being a loner. I like being a blogger. I like being one nobody knows. I like not sharing yet I enjoy the ranting. It satisfies something nasty inside.

So I keep on writing. Leaving my diary behind, the footprints of my soul on the sands of the cyberworld. For there will be a day when I am no more and yet here I will be. Stashed away. My ashes.

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