Monday, July 20, 2009

'Phone'y, I tell u!

Not keeping in touch.. now there is a touchy topic for discussion J I have never been the sort to mail or call regularly. Frankly, I hate having a cell phone cos it makes me so “accessible”!! Phhoeey… who needs to be more accessible? I am trying to run away from all the noise in my life without having the damn thing ringing like a damn siren on the damn ambulance that is carrying me to my damn death-bed (damn)!!!. Have some mercy, World. I think it’s just important for people to understand that people are different. THEY ARE. If you like keeping in touch, am I stopping you??? Have I ever said that I am unhappy about the fact that you call or mail?? All I am saying is that there are days when I DO NOT wish to talk. I am already in a job where I talk most of time (and not even about myself.. which would have at least been a fun-thing-to-do) J I cannot have a personal life where I talk most of the time as well… Like I said I am built differently!!

Everybody expects one to KEEP IN TOUCH. What is that? Call up every weekend? And say what? “Hey there.. how’s it going??” And then what? Why can’t we all know and love each other enough to just call up when there is something to talk about? I hate “phone”ey talk, all right? And I think its very, very important that people in my life understand this about me. I know it's difficult in the new and "small" world!! But try pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Amma used to bribe me (or sometimes threaten me with annihilation) when I used to refuse to answer the damn trill of the tring… tring at home. We had a caller ID and so I knew that it was sometimes an aunt or grandparents or somebody. She used to say, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH U… you antisocial creature… don’t you love your grandparents/aunt/general family.. etc etc?? Don’t u love me enuf to help out by answering the phone???” Well, that is a fair enough question.. and here is the answer. I love you but that DOES NOT mean answering the phone is how I show my love. If answering calls mean that much to you… please do so J Just don’t ask me to. And just because sometimes I do not answer calls or I forget to call back or I do not conform to the agenda of “let me call everybody I care about over the weekend or they are stupid enuf to misunderstand me” does not indicate my love/lack of love for you/ the people in my life. It’s a phobia .. like spiders for some… its lizards and phones and meaningless “catch-up” conversation for me.

And, don’t get me started on relatives!!! What is wrong with them? What am I supposed to call and tell them every weekend? Once in a month? Why is calling indicative of the fact that I care? I mean dont u guys watch televsion, movies or read books on weekends? I lead a very tiring week-life!! I want a nothing-to-do weekend!! I do not want to talk unless I want to, in which case I will call you J

And I will not judge you if you do not want to talk... I will mail you, okay? :) Or msg u if it is urgent, so u can choose to pick up my call or not!! :)

And I hate the pressure. Damn-it-must-call-or-will-be-thought-of-as-unloving-and-uncaring. Seriously… please don’t be so shallow. Allow the people in your life some space without judging them. Life is tough enough as it is. And short enough too!! J

There are some people in everybody’s life they want to come home to… And some people are lucky enuf to have that (sometimes literally and sometimes not). In such a scenario, trust me… there is enuf to do without getting on the phone for an hour to “chat”.

So.. hoping that I have convincingly argued that I am not anti-social and also hoping that you have all understood that I am a bit of a weirdo… signing off (and also contemplating penning a novel called “Beginnings and Endings” or whatever I feel like calling it when I have written it – don’t ask me about it till it’s over) :D,

loveeeee... Me :)

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