Thursday, April 2, 2009

New endings...

Today, I got a new ending. An ending which does not seem conventional. And anyway who gets endings after new beginnings. But for me this ending was important. Because no matter how much one wishes to believe that life is about choices one has made, there are certain situations when the choices include others and their choices as well. This happens in situations esp. when one would not want to acknowledge that there is another person's choice involved in the choice one made.

But let me tell you that endings are as beautiful- if I may quote a cliche-as beginnings. As satisfying. 'Cos every ending brings with it a new start. Today, I finally ended bitterness and started talking. All this while I have been talking to a certain person, but as life has taught us many a time, sometimes there is so much of talking to do before one gets down to a meaningful conversation. So I talked. And listened and talked some more.

And then there was light :). It sounds a bit corny but we had actually fought through a lot of bushes, branches, creepers, thorns and a lot of blinding wilderness in some personal jungle before we suddenly, quite unexpectedly fell right out of the forest into a nicer place. Plop...and there we were. I have a feeling the other person also wanted to get there (tho' he must have wanted it only secretly, given the fact that he seemed to be enjoying the madness) even tho' it didnt seem like it, 'cos he was having his own share of fun by extending the bitterness. No cruel intentions there and none insinuated.. I think it was just a secret laughing session for him. Well... each to his own.

But coming back to us... we have some light now. We are going forward without stumbling too much and bruising our knees. How true it is... Falling in love can be hard on the knees!! :) I am so glad all the falling is over finally, 'cos the love truly never ends. I must say that I have always been an admirer of just walking in it, running away from it and if in it, just enjoying it!! :) And the best thing is that my cavalier attitude, it works for me...


  1. Teach me, please, how to heal... Would you believe it if I told you that I still hurt?

  2. Heal by knowing that you have healed. How else can we be anything? Dont believe that there will come a day... the day is today and you have already healed my friend..
