Thursday, February 19, 2009

Random things about me...

As I was FaceBooking today, I saw this lovely note by a friend of mine named “25 Random Things about ME" or something equally narcissistic. So I obviously loved the idea :) I read it and I agreed with some other friend of her’s who said – “Wow – there is so much I know about you and so much I don’t”. So I thought to myself, “this is kinda kookie and sweet, even I want to put down 25 completely random things about myself” – I have a feeling its gonna be tough to come up with 10 such Random things, let alone 25 – but I shall try to put down as many as I can!! BUT NOT ON FB (I am genuinely afraid of public writing - blogging is my only concession to this and abt three of you even know about it). So here I am.

Random things about Me :)

1. I love snow. Even though I have never seen it or felt it on my nose or played in it. I love the thought of it. I have dreamt, imagined and even in some multiverse played in snow, indulged in snow fights and built a family snowman every Christmas. The vision of snow that stays with me every time I dream of it is - me (almost exactly like Winona Ryder in “Edward Scissorhands”) with snow lightly falling on my face, looking at the sky and twirling around :D
2. I can sleep through an entire day (if need be) and I love it. I have read this story about some greek chieftainess who was late to some meeting of the Gods called by Zeus at Olympus and calls upon her two sons who were the best, smartest, strongest boys in the land to pull her chariot as her horses have died or something. Anyway, leaving those particulars alone, the boys do not let their mother down and actually get her to the damn meeting. She calls upon Zeus to grant her children the most coveted, most sweet, most AWESOME thing in the world. Zeus obliges and they fall down as if dead. As she cries out loud, he comforts her and tells her that he granted them the boon of eternal sleep :D Well, as long as I got the point across….
3. My dreams are as real to me as reality. I fly, I fight, I cruise and I do everything in my dreams. Some I remember, some I don’t. But I do know that when I dream (and I do it non-stop on most nights) I wake up absolutely unrested and tired.
4. I really wanted to join an NGO when I joined Law College. I wanted to (and have promised myself that someday I will) work for the rights of sexually abused women and children.
5. I am fascinated by people. I love observing them – what they are doing, what they are saying. Random people on the bus, on the road, in a restaurant.
6. I believe in God. Not Temples, not Idols, not Pujas, not precious stones nor mantras. I believe in conversation. Ask and the Universe conjures :)
7. I believe in karma.
8. I have never been abroad (nothing that I can remember) after the age of three. And I SO WANT TO TRAVEL around the world. I will make it.
9. I love Bollywood movies with all its jhatkas and impossible plots, the decked up dancing heroines, the ab-solutely endowed heroes and the general madness that is a part of it.
10. I have never been able to judge myself objectively. But I believe I am an absolute great when it comes to judging/figuring out people around me.
11. I have always wanted to live my life without regrets but for me, life has not been that easy. No excuses – but I wish I could truly call myself a free soul :D
12. I just don’t get Kafka or Dostoevsky and a few more of those heavy weight names :( Always been super worried about whether I am brain dead cos the world raves about them.
13. I have always known that I will find the love of my life. I just never thought I’ll do so before I got married to the wrong guy :) Phew, I say....
14. I am a hopeless, hopeless, incurable romantic. I believe in love and soulmates and waiting till you find the other half and together forever and happily ever after and so on so forth :) :) :)
15. I can cry for anything and everything. My first reaction to anything is tearing up :( I hate that about myself.
16. I love and hate intensely, I like and dislike intensely. It’s instinctive and rarely ever am I indifferent to anything.
17. I would love to stop being so bothered about everything, everybody.
18. I would love to fly someday. I mean grow wings and fly away..
19. My fav fictional character is Peter Pan. I used to dream of Never Never Land.
20. I believe hell is on Earth. It’s this life we live which is the test.
21. I absolutely cannot live without music. It gets me through my day.
22. I am scared of the dark. Still. I mumble some old bhajans my mom taught me when I was a kid (picture my sheepish face) :)
23. I hate crowds. Feel super claustrophobic… like they are going to trample over me.
24. My favorite book in the whole wide world is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I have read it and re-read it a million times!
25. I have always (and I think on some level, I still do) harbored a dream of greatness. I want to change something about the world in a substantial way. Be the first to do something (have no clue what the 'something' is though)...

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