Friday, September 5, 2008

Getting through work

Does the music one listens to say everything about that person?

I believe it does. I get through my long-winding day at work, work which I quite like doing I must admit, only because of music. But I digress - Music says it all. I shoulod clarify and say that several factors affect the kind of music one listens to.
1. The background of music that one has had (the kind of msuic one has grown up with, if any);
2. Whether lyrics appeal or the beats or both;
3. What is ones perception of music (what kind of music does one think one should listen to);
so on and so forth.

But without going into the details - if you observe a person's taste in music - you know the person. Inside out. And it has never once failed for me. giving examples will only incite cries of generalisation and prejudice.

I grew up in a family where my Mom loved old hindi songs, my brother listened to all the "in" songs to listen to - be it pop between 14 and 19 or rock thereafter and I myself was trained in classical music.

So I grew up with a flavor of all but grew to love any song that suited my mood. But I would still say that my taste in music defines me - the song must be catchy (any language), meaningful, not pop-like but I absolutley love all bollywood masala songs, jazz is reserved for a rainy day and item numbers are meant for disco.

And music defines me cos I cant relate to people who cant relate to music. My kind of music. But if you ask me which is my favorite song or my favorite genre, I would say I am sandwiched between so many, I dont know. I am just a traveller crusing thorugh different realms of music, using discarding, absorbing and yet detached. I cruise high though.

Enough about me - now tell me about you! :)